2016, 5SD037

Big Game Blog 1

Preparing the main character – Neiva

So its time for some mandatory blogging for Big Game project. So for eight (or something) weeks i am going to be updating here about some of the stuff i am working on. So for this week: skinning and rigging preparation!

So we got ourselves a main character called Neiva. And Neiva is supposed to jump and run around and behave in your typical animated fashion. So to do this we need a rigged and skinned character that can be passed down to our animator. So i actually started doing this prior to the course start, but i am going to show some images of this anyways.

So here are some very “rough” screens of the rig i did. There are also some screens showcasing different problematic areas i struggled around with. Most of these wont be terribly visible in the game anyways, so i have put them aside for now. I might return and do some updates when we start to polish our animations, especially when we go over our cloth animations. But for now this will have to do.



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